Monday, August 31, 2009

Why We Need Government-Run Universal Socialized Health Insurance

This is a cartoon explanation. It is simply brilliant -- well stated in a simple way, something to forward to your friends who are in the 25 per cent unsure about healthcare AND with points to use in calls/letters to our congress critters. WATCH IT -- 4 and a half minutes. THANKS.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

KKK leader disarmed by love and humor

There's a lesson here in the success of nonviolence. Great story: Former KKK leader Johnny Lee Clary speaks of his life changing encounters with Reverend Wade Watts, a brave and fearless NAACP leader, -- worth the 4 minutes of your time! -- Thanks to Cory Doctorow on via comedian Lizz Winstead.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Howard Dean addresses Netroots Nation

Watch Dr. Howard Dean speak eloquently and authoritvely on the need for healthcare reform. MonNewsDotCom on YouTube has divided his talk into 7 parts. This is Part One. Enjoy!

Maddow: End Game w/ George Felos

Rachel talks with the Schivo fmily lawyer about the end of life decisions that doctors and patients would have had covered under the healthcare reform bill -- except the misleading euthanasia discussion is muddying the waters. Well done -- only 8:49 seconds.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fight back against health insurance lies

This is a real eye-opened about UnitedHealthcare CEO Stephen Hemsley -- He makes oodles of money and spends it extravagantly while people die from health coverage denial (and lack of any healthcare). This video juxtaposes healthcare stories and what portion of his salary would pay for the needed treatment. Spend 6 minutes and watch it -- Thanks!

Keith Olbermann Unmasks Those Killing Healthcare Reform

Here is another great Olbermann rant, thanks to mmflint on YouTube, Michael Moore -- so maybe unlike CSpanJunkie's great clips maybe, just maybe, it will remain up long enough to help save what's left of our democracy. When the rest of the corporate media isn't refuting the obvious lies while people are being deluged by far right commentary, what chance does are country have. Watch -- and speak up, folks!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Plastic Safety

"You are what you eat" -- and drink -- and we get exposed to a lot of plastics. Gifted with a plastic water bottle from my company, I pondered then googled its plastic information: 1 pete water bottle. Some results follow:

Less Leaching Plastic: #2, 4, & 5
More Leaching Plastic: #1, 3, 6, & 7
(The above with good information from Bonnie Penner posted at

The same article stressed not reusing commercial water bottles, advised not heating the plastic, and reminded that if you taste the plastic, you are drinking the plastic. (Makes me want to check the Brita Pitcher and a few other water bottles and thermal coffee cups to see if they are the less leaching plastic.) Stainless steel is best.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rachel Maddow - outrageous corporate thuggery behind anti-health care 'activists'

The average middle class millionaires and lobbyists of ralleying people against healthcare reform are uncovered -- proving once more that this isn't grassroots but astroturf, and those little guys buying in and spreading the mission are crabgrass [thanks, Dan Jacoby!]. Outrageous indeed!

UPDATE: either got too many hits and/or has been shut down, thanks to Rachel Maddow shedding light on the average middle class millionaires behind the town hall hijacking. I've had fun googling Thanks, for posting Rachel's video so quickly.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Taxpayers and Bank Bonuses

According to New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch and 7 other US banks paid out $32.6 billion dollars in bonuses in 2008 while receiving $175 billion in taxpayer funds under the federal Troubled Asset Relief Program. Ouch!

World March for Peace, NYC

Please watch and share this very positive, upbeat, peace-full AND peace-bringing video with all its positive energy and great NYC scenes with its wonderful ethnic mix of people out for peace on earth. Hope many more people spread the song and feeling AND endorse the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, beginning Oct 2, 2009 thru Jan 2, 2010. THANKS!