Friday, February 22, 2008

Rearview 2

Rearview 2
Originally uploaded by Kate Anne
From the kitchen window, finally we see snow covering Sunnyside Gardens.


Originally uploaded by Kate Anne
A beautiful natural sight: snow blankets Sunnyside Gardens! Normalcy. Peace. Amen.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Live with Love Rather than Force

You might quiet the whole world for a second
if you pray.

And if you love, if you
really love,

our guns will

-- St. John of the Cross, as quoted in Wayne Dyer's Change Your Thoughts -- Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao. (I have been reading Wayne's interpretation of the Tao Te Ching daily -- available through Hay House. Consider it.)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Senate wrong but House Stands Up

Telecom Immunity for illegal spying? No Way! Tell the House to Hold their ground! Action idea and talking points posted at Peace Hugs.

Check out more great cartoons at Keith Tucker's What

Rod takes Manhatten

Rod takes Manhatten
Originally uploaded by Kate Anne
The second cell phone shot of Village great Rod MacDonald.

Friends and fans may wish to check out my better camera Rod photos and also visit Rod's MySpace page where you can play some of his music.

(I met the Button Buddha Ruth Klein there -- kind enough to alert me of his being in NYC!)

Rod MacDonald revisits NYC

Multimedia message
Originally uploaded by Kate Anne
Folk singer Rod MacDonald wowed his audience at the People's Voice Cafe.

(I saw the Button Buddha Ruth Klein there enjoying Rod's great talent!)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Do they know the score?

Do they know the score?
Originally uploaded by Kate Anne
Is the fix in? Sign of the times to come? End times? Mommy, wake me up!

(This sign was on 60th Street, west of First Avenue, near the Q60 Bus stop, New York City)

Democratic shades to come?

Democratic shades to come?
Originally uploaded by Kate Anne
Clinton and Obama equals dream and or nightmare. Obama and Clinton? Do we need or want her kind of experience?

Republican shades to come?

Republican shades to come?
Originally uploaded by Kate Anne
McCain and Bloomberg equals Fear and Loathing.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Laura Flanders Radio Nation bloggers Unite!

This is a special note to fellow bloggers, that a group of the Air America Radio weekend Laura Flanders' show bloggers still continue to blog together, thanks to MaggiesBoy, at his special RadioNation site. When he's not doing his BlueRootsRadio show, Johnson is blogging with us. Today, MB was in abstentia but YBNurmal was there, as was Nightbird, as was Smnoll and KateAnne. We miss our fellow Laura bloggers. Find us there most Sundays, 1-2 pm (Eastern time). Then onwards to blogging at the Sam Seder Show. Seder you all later!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Nice Niece, Nice Friends

Dana and the Aussies
Alan, Dana, Jill

Dana Pfister recently visited Perth, Australia, and amidst her adventures found some time to meet up with her Aunt Kate Anne's penfriend(s), Alan and Jill.

Theatrical Prelude to Super Tuesday

Lizz and Rachel 4

Following Air America Radio's Rachel Maddow's advice, I took time out from pure politics to enjoy a fun NYC theatrical event, starring her former co-host Lizz Winstead. Shoot the Messenger plays Mondays at the Green Door, 45 Bleeker, New York City. Rachel was the special guest for the Act 2 segment, so there was lots of talk of politics and Super Tuesday. Act 1 is this terrific Morning Talk Show spoof with hosts Davis Miles and Hope Jean Paul: wonderfully entertaining with hoots galore. See it!

Lizz, Carol and Beth
Lizz, Carol, and Beth